
Physiotherapy Services

Primary Assessment (60 min) $150
Follow-up (30 min) $85
Follow-up (15 min) $50

Chiropractic Services

Initial Consultation 100
Re-evaluation $90
Follow-Up Treatment Adult: $55
Senior: $50

Naturopathic Services

Initial Consultation (75 min) $250
Follow-up (60 min) $185
Follow-up (45 min) $140
Follow-up (30 min) $95
Follow-up (15 min) $55

Acupuncture Services

Initial Consultation (60 min) $160
Follow-up (30 min) $75
New Child Intake 12 and Under (30 min) $185

Massage Therapy Services

90 minutes $150
60 minutes 105
45 minutes $80
30 minutes $70

Services (rates including HST) Please note that Registered Massage Therapy is not exempt from HST.

Psychotherapy Services

Primary Assessment (50 min) $175